Check the main outcomes and materials from the first webinar in a series of online training activities focusing on EU-level aspects to boost organic seed and plant breeding entrepreneurship
EU webinar “Entrepreneurship in the organic seeds and breeding sector” was successfully implemented during 13 and 14 December 2023! This webinar was the first in a series of online training activities focusing on EU-level aspects to boost organic seed and plant breeding entrepreneurship.
Webinar gathered in total more than 200 SMEs, seed producers, breeders, researchers, representatives of public institutions, and other interested stakeholders from the organic seeds and plant breeding sector.

The webinar brought together a number of speakers who gave presentations and took part in discussions on:
- organic seeds and breeding ecosystem in Europe
- updates on the EU Seed legislation revision
- business planning and entrepreneurship in the organic seeds and breeding sector
- how to pitch a business idea to potential funders and donors
- opportunities in public and private funding for SMEs
- successful business strategies from existing SME

You can access all presentations from the webinar on the Organic eprints on the link: