European router database was developed within the LIVESEED project. Its main objective is to create more transparency for the EU member states and for plant reproductive material suppliers regarding available offers of organic plant reproductive materials and to increase the supply of organic plant reproductive material in the EU member states and Switzerland.
The European database enables plant reproductive material suppliers to manage their supply in all EU member states and Switzerland from one account. Registered plant reproductive material suppliers can upload information about their available organic plant reproductive material supply and indicate to which countries the individual offers can be delivered.
Functions of the European router database
- Plant reproductive material suppliers can manage their organic plant reproductive material offers for EU member states or Switzerland and UK from their account.
- The competent authorities of the member countries and Switzerland can log in with a username sent by the administrator of the European router database. They can view, accept or reject offers relevant to their country and export them to their national database.
- Visitors of the website who are looking for organic plant reproductive materials can search for available crops and suppliers in different countries.