On the 15th of March 2024, the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (KIS) hosted it’s 4th Project Day in the Pavilion hall at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia.
They presented the most prominent current and completed projects with content sections such as: Organic production and breeding, Technology-oriented projects and Infrastructure-oriented projects for the preservation of genetic diversity. Dr. Vladimir Meglič presetned the LiveSeeding project: Organic seed production and plant breeding to promote sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe to Slovenian policymakers, administrators and other guests.
At the event, they also reported on activities within national projects and international ones like H2020 ECOBREED and INCREASE project, Root2Res, PRO-GRACE projects Interreg Euro-MED and CE project and LIFE project Life 4 Seeds. In addition, they also included brief reporting on ECPGR projects.